Illinois license #180-001066
Current: Adjunct faculty, Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis
Clinical Faculty, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis
Scholar in Residence and psychotherapist, Center for Religion & Psychotherapy
of Chicago
2016: Visiting Lecturer, Institute for Clinical Social Work
2005 - 2014: Director of Education, Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago
2005 - 2006: Senior Fellow, Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School
1994 - 2014: faculty member & psychotherapist, Center for Religion & Psychotherapy
2000: Ph.D.
University of Chicago, Divinity School
Religion and the Human Sciences
1994: Certificate in Psychotherapy
Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago
1989: M.A.
University of Chicago, Divinity School
Religious Studies
1987: B.A.
Vermont College of Norwich University
Liberal Arts
2011: Banff Center for the Arts Leighton Arts Colony writing residency, August 2011
2004: Nomination for the Gradiva Award for Historical, Cultural and Literary Analysis,
by the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
2003: Mason Research Award from the Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago
2001: University of Chicago Colver Rosenberger Dissertation Prize
2000: Mason Research Award
1999: Mason Research Award
1992: University of Chicago Divinity School Fellowship
2018: Race in Psychoanalysis: Aboriginal Populations in the Mind (Abingdon, U.K &
N.Y.: Routledge/Taylor & Francis); 1st edition, published as Aboriginal Populations in the Mind: Race and Primitivity in Psychoanalysis (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003).
Book Chapters and Journal articles:
2015: Pastoral Psychology. Volume 64, Issue 6, pp. 883–898. "Jungian Studies: time for
some new wine in some new bottles." In “Teaching Jung: A Symposium" in the American Academy of Religion’s Teaching Religious Studies Series.”
2014: The Skillful Soul of the Psychotherapist: The Link Between Spirituality and Clinical Excellence. Ed. George Stravros & Steven Sandage (Lanham, Md: Rowland & Little). “Shared Histories, Emerging Horizons: Reflections on David Wallin’s Attachment in Psychotherapy.”
2011: Encyclopedia of Global Religion and Society, ed. Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade
Clark Roof (Sage Publications): Encyclopedia entry on Freud.
2010: Answering a Question with a Question: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish
Thought, ed. Lewis Aron and Libby Henik (Academic Studies Press), “Psychoanalysis and Judaism in Context.”
2008: Mourning Religion: Method, Meaning, and Identity in a Post-Modern World, edited by Diane Jonte-Pace, William Parsons, Susan E. Henking (Virginia University Press), “The Persistence of the Past: Framing Symbolic Loss and Religious Studies in the Context of Race.”
2005: The American Psychoanalyst, vol. 39, no. 3, “Psychoanalysis and Race Redux.”
June 2004: The Chicago Tribune. “Split Personality:” Review of Secrets of theSoul: A Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis by Eli Zaretsky (New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 2004).
2002: Journal of Religion, vol. 82 no.1, “Primitivity, Race and Religion in Psychoanalysis.”
2002: Postmodern Self Psychology: Progress in Self Psychology, vol. 18, ed. Arnold Goldberg, pp. 207-215 (Hillsdale, N. J.: The Analytic Press). “Self and Other in the Self-Psychological Approach to Religion.”
May 2001: Journal of the History of Religions, vol. 40, no.4: Review of The Other Freud: Religion, Culture and Psychoanalysis by James DiCenso (London & New York: Routledge, 1999).
March 2023: Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, "The Racial Legacy of Freud's Psychoanalysis."
Dec. 2021: Chicago Psychoanalytic Society, discussant for Daniel Gaztambide, “A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Historical Memory to Clinical Praxis.”
Sept. 2021: Psychology and the Other Conference, respondent for Francisco Gonzalez, plenary address, “The Edifice Complex: Towards a Transmural Psychoanalysis.”
Sept. 2021: American Psychoanalytic Association, 110th Annual Meeting. Case Study for Clinical Plenary Session on Frantz Fanon, “Port in a Storm: A Congolese in Chicago.”
March 2021: simultaneous translation from the French for Mirelle Fanon Mendes-France, plenary address, Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (APA Division 39)
Oct. 2020: Boston Psychoanalytic Institute & Society: class on “Psychoanalysis and the Colonial Imagination,” as part of course on “Psyche and the Social Surround.”
Sept. 2020: Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society: “The Racial Inheritance of Psychoanalysis.”
Feb. 2020: New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: “The racial inheritance of psychoanalysis: the question of primitivity.”
Feb. 2020: American Psychoanalytic Association National Meeting: “Reading Freud’s Group Psychology Against the Grain.”
Dec. 2019: Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute: “Facets of Race in Psychoanalysis: The Issue of the Primitive.” Workshop with Francisco González.
April 2019: APA Division of Psychoanalysis Spring Meeting, Philadelphia. “The Psychology and Politics of Recognition,” panel on "Frantz Fanon and Issues of Race in the Clinic and Community" with Steven Knoblauch and Annie Lee Jones.
Feb. 2019: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, Race and Psychoanalysis: A conversation with Danjuma Gibson, author of Frederick Douglass: A Psychobiography.
January 2019: Center for Religion & Psychotherapy, “Why Study Freud?”
Dec. 2017: Chicago Psychoanalytic Society: “The Moral Third and the Law of Bare Life.” Respondant for Jessica Benjamin, “The Wolf’s Dictionary: Analyzing a Predatory World View.”
April 2017: Institute for Clinical Social Work, Chicago IL, conference on Race and Resistance in a Psychoanalytic Key: “Fanon, Race, and Psychoanalysis.”
Nov. 2015: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute & the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis: panelist following movie screening of Black Psychoanalysts Speak.
October 2015: Psychology and the Other Conference: “Banality of Racism: Freud and Arendt.” Conference sponsored by Leslie College, Cambridge Mass.
April 2015: APA Division 39 (Division of Psychoanalysis) spring conference: “Towards an alternative conception of the Oedipal register,” panel with Jessica Benjamin, The Moral Third in Psychic and Social Extremity.
October 2013: Psychology and the Other Conference, with Jessica Benjamin: “Witnessing and the Law of Bare Life.” Conference sponsored by Leslie College, Cambridge, Mass.
Jan.- Feb. 2013: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, invited lecturer. Lecture on Totem and Taboo and on Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego as part of curriculum for current analytic candidates.
Nov. 2012: American Academy of Religion, Person, Culture and Religion group: panelist discussing Teaching Jung, ed. Kelly Bulkeley and Clodagh Weldon (NY: Oxford University Press, 2012). Chicago, IL
October 2012: Boston University, Danielson Institute: “Shared Histories, Emerging Horizons: The Jewish Search for Spirituality and the Psychoanalytic Ethos,” conference on The Skillful Soul of the Psychotherapist: Master Clinicians and Theologians in Dialogue.
May 7, 2011: Bard College, Bard Palestinian Youth Initiative: “Culture Shock!” Talk with students preparing to visit the Middle East.
April 2011: American Psychological Association Division 39 (Division of Psychoanalysis) Spring meeting: “Primitive Pasts, Civilizing Practices: From racialized lives to race in psychoanalytic theory.” Panel with Lewis Aron and Karen Starr.
March 2010: Northwestern University, “Religion meets Religious Studies: Psychology and Religion,” panelist with Dan P. McAdams, James W. Jones Christine Helmer, Robert A. Orsi.
October 2008. American Academy of Religion, Psychology, Culture and Religion Group. Respondent for panel on Mourning Religion: Method, Meaning, and Identity in a Post-Modern World edited by Diane Jonte-Pace, William Parsons, Susan E. Henking (Virginia University Press, 2007).
October 2008: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute & the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies, conference on Judaism and Psychoanalysis, “Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Jewish Religious Thought,”
February 2008: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, “The History of the Relationshipbetween Religion and Psychotherapy,” conference on Religion and Psychotherapy: Collaboration or Conflict?
Nov. 2007. University of Chicago Rockefeller Chapel Annual Memorial Address.
October 2007. University of Chicago Divinity School, conference on “Mourning and Religion.” Conference grant securer, coordinator, presenter and respondent.
August 2006. Psychiatry Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland: “Paradigms for Thinking about the Psychological Functions of Religion”.
April 2005. University of Chicago Divinity School conference, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Contemporary Reflections on the Body: “Desire: Public, Private, Divine?”
January 2005. University of Chicago Divinity School, panelist with Françoise Meltzer and Amy Hollywood, "Religion and Psychoanalysis: A Discussion on Race and Gender."
June 26, 2004: American Psychoanalytic Association, San Francisco, 93rd Annual Meeting: “Race in Psychoanalysis: The Colonialist Legacy of Freud’s Thought.”
March 2004. New York University, Gallatin School, Interdisciplinary Humanities Colloquium, “Psychoanalysis and Cultural Identifications”.
November 2004: American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas: panel discussion of my book, Aboriginal Populations in the Mind, with David Carrasco, Harvard University; James W. Jones, Rutgers University, Diane Jonte-Pace, Santa Clara University.
Nov. 2001. Rutgers University, Conference on Psychoanalysis and Social Change, sponsored by the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society: “The Colonialist Heritage of Psychoanalytic Thought.”
October 2001. Johns Hopkins University, Program for Comparative American Cultures, W.E.B. Du Bois Seminar on Psychoanalysis and the African American Subject, “Psychologies of Enthrallment: Race, Gender, and Primitivity in the Work of Sigmund Freud.”
February 2001. Yale University, Department of Religious Studies: “Primitive Encounters: Religion, Psychoanalysis and the Question of Race.”
Nov. 2000. Annual International Conference on the Psychology of the Self: “Self and Other in the Psychoanalytic Approach to Religion.”
Nov. 1999. American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Person, Culture and Religion Group, panelist: “African American Pastoral Care.”
Nov.1998. American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Person Culture and Religion Group: “Race and Religion in Psychoanalysis.”
June 1995. Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute: “Disguise and Disclosure: Psychoanalysis and Religion in Paul Ricoeur’s Freud and Philosophy.”
September 2018: Routledge, book proposal review
Nov. 2015: Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, doctoral exam committee
October 2015: MacMillan/Palgrave, book proposal review
Nov. 2014: Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, doctoral exam committee
March 2013: Journal of the History of Religions, article referee
August 2012: University of Chicago Department of Human Development, Ph.D. dissertation examiner
July 2012: Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, article referee
June 2012: University of Chicago, Martin Marty Center at the Divinity School: Public Interlocutor. Discussed dissertations in seminar form with doctoral students who were fellows of the Marty Center.
2009-2011: University of Chicago Divinity School, Ph.D. dissertation committee member
March 2011: Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses. article referee
Spring 2009: University of Chicago, Martin Marty Center at the Divinity School: Public Interlocutor.
Spring 2008: University of Chicago, Martin Marty Center at the Divinity School: Public Interlocutor.
August 2006: University of Auckland, New Zealand: Department of Theology, PhD Dissertation examiner
Nov. 2005: University of Western Sydney, Australia: College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, Ph.D. dissertation examiner
Chicago Psychoanalytic Society
American Psychological Association, Division 39 (Division of Psychoanalysis)
American Counseling Association
Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association
Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture (2004 – 2010).